School Policies
Homework is an important part of our instructional program and is a shared responsibility of teachers, students, and parents.
Homework is assigned to help students maintain and improve their learning. When homework serves this purpose, it Is reflected in student achievement.
Please support our Homework Policy and your child's academic progress by:
- Providing a quiet place and ample time
- Encouraging students to do and complete homework
- Insisting on proper care of school materials and text books
- Encouraging students to use good study habits
- Providing assistance, if necessary
- Asking the teacher for clarification and/or supplies, if needed
Homework shall be sent home daily or in a weekly packet (except Fridays). Below are suggested time allotments (per day).
- Kindergarten 15-20 minutes
- Grades 1 and 2 30-35 minutes
- Grades 3 and 4 35-45 minutes
- Grade 5 50-60 minutes
LAUSD is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for its students; therefore; the most important responsibility of all District employees is the safety of our students. While the District encourages the cultivation of positive relationships with students, employees and all individuals who work with or have contact with students are reminded that they must be mindful of the fine line drawn between being sensitive to and supportive of students and a possible or perceived breach of responsible, ethical behavior. Employees and individuals who work with or have contact with students are expected to use good judgment and are cautioned to avoid the situations indicated in the "Code of Conduct with Students." When allegations of inappropriate conduct or behavior are made, the District is obligated to investigate the allegations and, if warranted, take appropriate administrative and/or disciplinary action.
The Board of Education Rule 2251 states the following:
Pupils shall be required to show proper attention to personal cleanliness, health, neatness, safety, and suitability of clothing and appearance for school activities. In every case the dress and grooming of the student shall be clean and shall NOT:
- cause actual distraction from or disturbance in any school activity or actually interfere with the participation of a pupil in school activity.
- create a hazard to the safety for himself/herself or to others or create a health hazard.
Based on the above Board Rule, the following Dress Code has been established for Seventh Street Elementary School:
- Students must be clean and clothing must be neat. Ragged, soiled, excessively tight or ill fitting attire, including pants which are worn excessively below the waist, is unacceptable for school wear.
- Shoes are required to protect the feet, to be tied or secured and to be safe for playground use. Shoes need to have enclosed toes and heels. Sandals and thongs, including huaraches, jellies and soft cloth shoes are considered unsafe for school wear and therefore, not allowed to be worn at school. Shoes with wheels are not permitted.
- No article of clothing or accessory may be worn which indicates membership in a gang. This includes, but is not limited to, men's earrings, bandannas, and street gang names on jewelry or clothing. Gang inspired/related clothing also not allowed. These include long, over-sized black jackets.
- Excessive amounts of jewelry are not appropriate for school wear. Hoops and dangling earrings are considered unsafe.
- Hats of any kind are not allowed unless used for sun protection out of doors. No hats or head coverings may be worn indoors at anytime. Hair nets and sweatbands are also not permitted.
- No article of clothing may be worn which displays, depicts, or advertises any controlled substance, including alcohol and tobacco products.
- Clothing may not depict vulgar language or pictures. Parents should carefully review any sweatshirts or T-shirts before allowing students to wear them to school.
- Shirts and blouses must cover the mid-section of the body. Sleeveless undershirts, shirts of fishnet fabric or those with over-sized arm holes (unless worn over a T-shirt) and off the shoulder tops are not acceptable.
- Shorts, skirts, and stretch pants may not be shorter than mid-thigh. Stretch pants must be dark in color so under garments are not visible.
Many of our young sailors carry cell phones, wear smart watches, or have other portable technology with them. Our policy is to require these devices be stowed in backpacks in the OFF position during the instructional day. If technology is used during the school day it will be removed to the office and parents will be asked to retrieve it from the Principal. Point Fermin Marine Science Magnet and the LAUSD do not take responsibility for the safety of these articles.
The school will NOT investigate stolen cell phones. Their security is the sole responsibility of the student.
Students may not use their cell phones to make phone calls on campus at any point during the school day. In turn, we ask parents who need to speak to their children during the day to contact them through our office. Students always have access to our phones to contact family members.
We realize that having to pick up a student's phone may be inconvenient and therefore we recommend you discuss this policy with your student in order to avoid this problem. Confiscated phones will be labeled with the student's name and kept in the main office until the parent takes possession.
Seventh Street Elementary does not assume responsibility for cell phones or technology that is lost, stolen, or broken. The school will not pay for technology that are lost, stolen, or broken by staff members after confiscation of the devices. Students who bring technology to school take full responsibility and ownership of their own electronic devices.
Our Philosophy:
- All children have human dignity and worth
- Children can and want to behave appropriately
- Clear and specific directions are more likely to be followed
- Behavior is shaped by its consequences
- Consider what kids do outside of your shadow as well as what they do when you are present
Our Program Includes:
- Emphasis on reinforcement of appropriate behaviors by using praise and rewards. The goal is to build an internal moral code shown by self discipline
- Detailed classroom management plans for all children
- Teaching students appropriate behaviors
- Written behavior agreements for children who repeatedly demonstrate inappropriate behavior
- Emphasis on:
- Clarifying expectations to students, parents and staff
- On-going reinforcement of the School Discipline Policy
- Instruction on problem solving steps for conflict resolution
- Developing responsibility for one's own behavior
- Instruction to develop moral and ethical values
As a shared responsibility, it is to our collective advantage to develop self-disciplined people:
Student Responsibilities:
- Respecting the authority of teachers, administrators and other school staff to enforce District policy and rules and regulations regarding student discipline and moral conduct
- Behaving in classrooms and on campus in a manner that does not disrupt or interfere with the right of other students to learn
- Following the school and classroom limits established by the school
- Maintaining regular school attendance
Parent Responsibilities:
- Reinforcing students at home when demonstrating appropriate behavior
- Reviewing school discipline rules and regulations with family members to ensure that all are familiar with and understand standards of conduct expected by school authorities
- Supporting the School Discipline Policy by signing the Contract Commitment
- Cooperating with the school officials in carrying out appropriate discipline actions when necessary
- Seeking, when necessary, additional resources and appropriate community agencies for assistance in correcting behaviors or students
- Being an active participant in your child's education by attending school conference meetings and activities, as well as daily monitoring of student attitudes and academic progress
Teacher Responsibilities:
- Assisting in the development and enforcement of school rules
- Developing concise classroom limits that are clearly communicated to students and parents
- Establishing a classroom management program that promotes proper behavior and gives every student full opportunity to pursue their studies without disruption
- Communicating with students and parents regarding behavior successes, behavior problems, and proposed solutions.
- Develop behavior modification agreements as needed with the child, parent, and administrators
Administration Responsibilities:
- Provide an on-going effort to maintain and enforce the School Discipline Policy
- Support teachers with disruptive students through the Discipline Referral Process
- Confer with parents, teachers, and students when behavior problems are severe or chronic
School Rules:
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
- Remain in assigned areas at all times
- Use only kind and courteous words
- Show respect to each other and all adults and follow directions
- Follow school standards concerning dress code, campus conduct, classroom conduct, yard/bathroom/lunch areas
- Cell phones/Pagers must remain "OFF" and in student back packs for the entire school day. Cell phones observed by staff during the school day, including recess or lunch, will be conficsated from the student. Parents will need to redeem the cell phone from the principal's office. Student cell phone usage is only permitted before or after school for calls of an urgent or necessary matter. Students must comply anytime a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of cellular phones or other electronic signaling devise even before or after school.
The following are NOT permitted:
- Radios, electronic games or devices, such as MP3 tape/cd players, iPods, playing cards, pets, toys, gum, candy, seeds, "wheelie" shoes, skateboards, bicycles, or any other item specifically prohibited
- Toy guns, knives or anything resembling any type of weapon
- Throwing or shooting objects
- Fighting or bullying
- Intimidation, extortion, harassment, and/or bodily harm to any person
- Possession of lethal weapons
- Profane language and/or obscene gestures or comments